Advantages of bronze bushes compared to lubricating bushes

Short cut: CuSn7Zn4Pb7-C
Material number: 2.1090
Density: 8,83 Kg / dm³
Composition: copper 81-85% / nickel to 2% / phosphor to 0,1% / lead 5%-8% / tin 6%-8% / zinc 2%-5%

Notes to characteristics and use:

  • Common and favourable red brass alloy for slide bearings.
  • With medium hardness it still has good running qualities and sufficient resistance to
  • wear and tear. It’s also suitable when non hardened shafts are used and the
  • selvedges are slightly compressed.
  • Good corrosion resistance (even in sea water).
  • Main range of applications are bearings and bearing bushes for genera
  • machine construction.

Comparison – test N045 32-56 after 3,4 mill. up and down motions

Wolf bronze bushes

take point new torn wear
1 32,005 32,022 0,017
2 32,004 32,030 0,026
3 32,006 32,025 0,019
lubricating bushes customary in trade

take point new torn wear
1 32,005 32,065 0,060
2 32,005 32,068 0,063
3 32,006 32,066 0,060
After these tests at company Wolf, it’s obvious that the cheeper bronze bushes wich we have in programm exhibit less wear and tear than the customary in trade lubrication bushes.

Advantages Of Bronze Bushes

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